Empowering Chinese Restaurant Brands to Go Global

About TrueRise

A Company Specializing in Cross-Border Restaurant Expansion and Culinary Business Incubation

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TrueRise has extensive experience in both the Chinese and overseas restaurant markets. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that Chinese restaurant brands face in the global market. We provide tailored strategic advice and solutions to help Chinese restaurant brands overcome obstacles related to language, culture, and legal issues, ensuring their successful entry and rapid growth in the North American market.

For restaurant startups in North America, we offer support in entrepreneurship guidance, management consulting, financial support, resource integration, brand promotion, and business collaboration. Our goal is to help these startups grow quickly and expand their operations efficiently.


To become a leader in cross-border restaurant expansion and culinary business incubation.

We aim to help more Chinese restaurant brands enter the global market, promoting Chinese culinary culture while bringing fresh ideas and diverse flavors to the North American restaurant industry.


Bringing Chinese Cuisine to the World

We provide professional strategic advice and solutions for Chinese restaurant brands in overseas markets, helping them successfully establish and rapidly grow in the North American market.

Helping Domestic Brands Rapidly Cover North America

Quick Market Penetration, Low-Cost Market Testing

We provide one-stop solutions for Chinese restaurant brands to quickly enter the North American market and achieve market coverage in the shortest time possible. Through precise market research and customized expansion strategies, we help brands find the best entry points. Our supply chain management and central kitchen services not only reduce initial operating costs but also ensure product quality consistency and stable supply. Additionally, we conduct rapid market testing to gather consumer feedback and adjust operational strategies in real-time, ensuring brands can quickly adapt to local market demands and gain a competitive edge.

Supporting Local Traditional Restaurant Brands

Achieve Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement, Increase Store Profits

We specialize in offering systematic operational optimization solutions for local traditional restaurant brands in North America, helping them achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement. By thoroughly analyzing existing operational models, we provide comprehensive support ranging from supply chain optimization and cost control to store operation management. Our expert team utilizes advanced management tools and data analysis techniques to enhance store efficiency and reduce unnecessary expenses, significantly boosting store profitability. Furthermore, we provide brand promotion and marketing support, helping traditional restaurant brands stand out in the competitive market, attract more customers, and increase market share.

Incubating Startup Brands

Deep Collaboration to Facilitate Comprehensive North American Expansion

We are dedicated to incubating promising startup restaurant businesses, assisting them in rapid growth within the North American market. Our professional team offers comprehensive guidance on brand positioning, product development, site selection, and operational management, ensuring that startup brands build a solid foundation during their early stages. We adopt an equity-based collaboration model, growing together with the brand through equity investment, ensuring aligned interests. Leveraging our extensive resources and network, startup brands can successfully establish themselves and expand rapidly across North America. Our support extends beyond the initial phase, encompassing the entire brand development process, ensuring that every franchise maintains brand consistency and high-quality operations, thus achieving rapid expansion across North America.